
Sleepwell Recommends

Sleepwell / CBTi / Sleepwell Recommends

Sleepwell has done the hard work for you! We’ve reviewed books, apps, and websites to find the best resources for managing insomnia. Each one is based on solid research and teaches you how to use CBTi to improve your sleep.

Even if you take sleeping pills, CBTi can help you rely on them less. Looking for a therapist? We’ve got you covered with links to in-person, telehealth, and online CBTi programs.

212 pp. © 2021
Judith Davidson, PhD, psychologist and sleep expert, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
ISBN: 9780826148155
Sink Into Sleep is a friendly step-by-step guide to reversing insomnia.  
All components of CBTi are covered, starting with sleep scheduling (time-in-bed restriction and stimulus control) and moving to cognitive and relaxation techniques. 
Chapters about sleep and nutrition, exercise and sex; health conditions (including chronic pain, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, neurological disorders); anxiety, depression, and traumatic stress; sleeping pills and other sleep substances. 
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The book provides the tools and techniques to reverse insomnia and improve sleep long-term. The methods and information are based on research evidence and consistent with medical guidelines. 
192 pp. © 2009
Colleen E. Carney, PhD and Rachel Manber, PhD, sleep experts at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario and Stanford University, Stanford, California.
ISBN: 9781572246270
Quiet Your Mind And Get to Sleep is a CBTi self-help book that focuses on issues faced by those who have anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.
There is comprehensive delivery of all CBTi components with an emphasis on solution-focused worksheets that help clients with complex issues work through common cognitive or adherence difficulties. 
Notable topics include tools for quieting the mind, addressing thoughts that get in the way of sleep, as well as thoughts that get in the way of making sleep-related changes. 
232 pp. © 2016
Colleen Ehrnstrom, PhD, and Alisha L. Brosse, PhD, psychologists and sleep specialists, Denver and Boulder, Colorado.
ISBN: 9781626253438
End the Insomnia Struggle is a step-by-step guide, based on CBTi and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT; treatment that optimizes CBTi), that provides thorough instructions, tools, and surveys to help you create an individualized and effective insomnia treatment plan.
The workbook provides worksheets and activities that explain how, and when, to implement all the cognitive and behavioural components of CBTi (e.g., stimulus control, sleep restriction, cognitive restructuring, designated worry time, etc.).
The book includes a recurring "Common Questions and Answers" segment about sleep, insomnia, and CBTi along with a thorough discussion on how to use acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to optimize your CBTi treatment plan.
Additional comments
This book has everything you need to address your sleep problems.
224 pp. © 2009
Stephanie Silberman, PhD, psychologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
ISBN: 9781572246355
The Insomnia Workbook offers all the tools you need to create an effective plan for getting a good night's sleep.
The workbook simulates the experience of seeing a CBTi specialist. First, you will assess your sleep habits and evaluate how they affect your life. Then, you will learn evidence-based CBTi techniques recommended by sleep specialists to help you:
- address your racing thoughts that keep you awake at night,
- train yourself to sleep using CBTi components of stimulus control, sleep restriction, and relaxation,
- identify lifestyle factors that may be affecting your sleep, &
- keep a sleep tracker to assess your progress.
There are chapters on sleep medications, sleep issues specific to women, and the impact of diet, stress, and exercise on sleep. The final chapter explains how to prevent insomnia from returning.

Apps & Websites

© 2024
Joint initiative of St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of New South Wales and funded by the Australian government
THIS WAY UP offers a 4-lesson digital CBTi program, with each lesson supplemented by exercises, personalized action plans, and additional resources to reinforce your learning.

The program integrates all components of CBTi across the lessons, and the sleep diary offers daily illustrations of your sleep numbers.
The insomnia program uses an interactive, storytelling approach to teach you about CBTi’s sleep-enhancing techniques. You practice new skills learned in each lesson for a minimum of five days before moving on to the next lesson. Other digital programs are also available (ex. anxiety, depression).
The program is available worldwide and can be completed without any cost when your healthcare provider enrols you. To do this, ask your clinician to register first and then “prescribe” the program for you using your name and email address. They can check a box to have the program fee waved. You will then receive an invitation by email to start the program. Your clinician will have the option of checking in on your progress when they login to THIS WAY UP.
© 2022
US Veterans Affairs
SleepEZ is a self-paced, 6-week course of CBTi that can be completed on any device.
Program weeks: 1) CBTi overview, 2) sleep scheduling, 3) stimulus control techniques, 4) stop your mind from racing, 5) address thoughts that interfere with sleep, 6) how to keep insomnia from returning and what to do if it does.
Interactive road map, videos, animations, quizzes, and games to maximize learning and engagement.
100% free; no registration required
Sleep expert Prof. Colin Espie and ex-insomnia sufferer Peter Hames
Sleepio is a six-week sleep improvement program, in which the animated “Prof” teaches you the latest, evidence-based cognitive and behavioural techniques that are personalized to your needs based on your responses to the onboarding sleep questionnaire as well as adapted in accordance with your week-to-week progress.  
Sleepio targets behaviours maintaining insomnia through sleep restriction, stimulus control, and sleep hygiene, as well as identifies and addresses thoughts and worries contributing to insomnia using cognitive restructuring and relaxation techniques.  
As part of the program, you have access to an anonymous, supportive online community of current users and course graduates 
Sleepio is covered by several health insurers. If not paid for by yours, you may be able to access Sleepio for free by participating in one of its research studies (sometimes associated with a delay in access).
Additional comments
Sleepio has been shown to be a highly effective form of self-help CBTi by multiple studies. 
$$$ Ins?
© 2023
National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veterans Affairs
CBT-i Coach is for people who are engaged in CBTi with a health provider, or who have experienced symptoms of insomnia and would like to improve their sleep habits. 
Sleep rules, sleep hygiene, consolidating sleep, challenging dysfunctional thoughts around sleep.  
Self-management tools, sleep diary, progress tracking, extensive psychoeducation. 
Free to the public
Scientists from the Canadian Sleep Research Consortium are running research projects, as part of which you can access home-based sleep assessments and online CBTi for free. To learn more, visit:

CBTi therapists online & provider map

A growing and evolving list of CBTi trained therapists available across Canada.
In person or telehealth appointments.
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The creators of the map cannot guarantee the expertise of the individuals listed.
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Find healthy sleep with HALEO, a virtual sleep clinic founded in 2015. It offers easily accessible, evidence-based, and clinically proven solutions for those dealing with insomnia and other sleep disorders.
HALEO prioritizes a personalized approach, guided by therapists and backed by clinical research, focusing on CBTi. 
HALEO's Sleep Program is tailored to address specific sleep difficulties, ranging from mild difficulties to severe insomnia, nightmares, or shift work. 
HALEO's services are accessible through their user-friendly mobile application, providing comprehensive sleep programs to individuals across North America.
$$$ Ins?
Description is a digital service that offers a collection of tools and direct access to a therapist from Monday to Friday from anywhere in the world to help you identify and overcome your health problems, including insomnia.
The service is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with therapists specializing in CBT for a range of problems, including insomnia.  
Subscription plans also include a daily journal and activity plan, yoga and meditation videos, and tests to track progress.  
Subscription plans start at $48/week (including 20% discount for the first month). Although doesn’t accept insurance, you may be able to request reimbursement/direct payment for the services. Contact your health insurer to inquire about coverage.
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BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy platform, connecting individuals with a network of over 30,000 licensed and experienced therapists 
Therapists offer counselling on a range of problems, including insomnia. 
Subscription plans include unlimited message exchanges, live chats, and scheduled telephone and video conference meetings 
The cost ranges from CAD 80-110 per week (billed monthly). Subscription can be cancelled at any time.
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