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Faye’s Story

After 40 years of nightly sleeping pill use, Faye decided to make a change. In this video, Faye shares her experiences working through a gradual dose reduction plan and introducing new healthy sleep behaviours that dramatically improved her sleep as well as helped her mood, energy levels, and focus.

L’histoire de Georges

Après avoir pris un somnifère à chaque nuit pendant 35 ans, Georges a décidé de faire un changement. Dans cette vidéo, Georges partage son expérience de l’utilisation des ressources recommandées par Sleepwell, qui lui ont permis de mieux dormir et de se sentir plus reposé et heureux.

Listen to the Canadian Family Physician podcast on sedative effects and deprescribing.


Click the icon to learn about each component of CBTi, the first-line therapy for insomnia.

Listen to the CBC interview with Dr. Gardner speaking about sleeping pills, CBTi, and Sleepwell.

Watch the webinar, recorded on November 27, 2023, to learn about how you can use Sleepwell’s tools, resources, and recommendations to get a better night’s sleep without sleeping pills.


Learn more about insomnia

Sleeping Pills

Are they effective? Are they safe?


How to sleep well without sleeping pills

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